Kadence - Demo Content Failed to Import

It's normal for the demo import process to take up to 8-10 minutes to fully complete. The import process is faster on higher quality hosts, and is much slower and may even fail on lower quality hosts.

If you find the importer is stuck after 10 minutes, refresh the page and simply try the import again.

If after a couple of tries the issue persists, deactivate all plugins on your site, apart from any plugins that are related to Kadence (Kadence Starter Templates and Kadence Blocks). Then run the import again.

Bluehost Websites

Bluehost sites disproportionately struggle to import the demo content compared to other hosts due to the server not having enough memory or other resources. If you are on Bluehost and receive an error, or if the importer is stuck after 10 minutes, reach out to Bluehost support and tell them to: "Increase my WordPress memory limit to 512M and the post_max_size to 1000M." Once completed, try the import again.

Still having issues?

Check your PHP – It's important to make sure you're running on PHP version 8.1. See: how to check your PHP version

"500" or "5xx" Errors – See: Getting 500 Error from Kadence