Genesis - Importing the Demo Content
If you're just starting out on WordPress and don't have much or any content, I recommend importing the theme demo content. This gives you something to work with and see how things are set up on the demo site.
After you import the demo content, you can start replacing the demo content with your own and customizing your theme.
- First, please make sure you have activated all plugins beforehand. This is important. If you’re unsure if you have or not, go to Appearance > Install Plugins to install them. If you don’t see “Install Plugins”, then that means you have already successfully installed the plugins and can move on to step 2. If there are some plugins you really don’t want to install, that’s totally fine– but just be aware this could cause “fail to import” errors (which is totally normal and will not break your site.)
One of the plugins that is recommended for the theme that you will need to install and activate is called One Click Demo Import. This is the plugin that will allow us to import the theme demo content. - Go to Appearance > Import Demo Data
- In the theme folder you first downloaded and unzipped (ie: hm-honeydew), there is a folder inside named Import Demo Content. This is where you will find the files to upload & import. If you're using the Honeydew theme, you have the option to choose from demo 1 or demo 2 in the Import Demo Content folder.
- In the first box, upload the file ending with .xml
- In the second box, upload the file ending in .wie
- And in the 3rd box, upload the .dat file
- Click the Import Demo Data button and wait for the import to complete!
- When the import is finished, you can go ahead & delete the One Click Demo Import plugin.
If you're seeing "failed to import" errors or "Error 500" when importing the demo content, please click here for help.