Honeydew - Logo, Menu + Header Settings

Logo Settings

One of the nice things about Honeydew is that you can upload a logo at any size you want, and then adjust the width & height as you wish!

Head to Appearance > Customize > Theme Settings > Logo and Header to upload your own logo and adjust the size in pixels.

Keep in mind that depending on how many menu items you have, the Logo Width in these settings might need to be smaller to make room. So if you notice on a mobile or tablet device that things are looking wonky in the header, you probably need to decrease your logo size. Adjust as needed!

Header Settings

There’s also options for a Sticky Header, Tagline Display, Display Social Icons in Header, Display Search + more Search options. Select the options you want here.

* Social icons will not display until you have placed the social icons widget into the social icons widget area. You will also need to have at least one menu set to the “right” location for the icons to appear.


To see how I create a menu, please watch the video tutorial at the top of this article. You can also learn even more about creating, setting up & displaying menus right here.