Honeydew - Recommended Image Sizes
Logo: Upload at any size- you can adjust the width & height in your logo and header settings. Depending on # of menu items you have, the logo will probably need to be smaller than 200px in the logo & header settings. Adjust as needed.
Front Page Hero: At least 1700 pixels wide x 800 pixels long, or larger for better quality.
Featured images: 1040 pixels wide x any height.
Featured images if using the large hero on single posts: At least 1700 pixels wide x any height, or larger for better quality.
Portfolio Images: 1700 pixels wide x any height.
Side Image widget: Use any size. If the width is larger than 230 pixels, it will scale down automatically to 230 pixels.
Sub Mark widget image: At least 250 pixels wide
Content Columns widget images: At least 240 pixels wide
Sidebar images & Footer images: At least 280 pixels wide, but for the sidebar I recommend larger (about 500px) because the sidebar width will increase on tablet devices.