Clementine - Fonts & Colors


Main headings font: Bodoni Moda (Google font)
**there is negative letter spacing in the typography settings for the headings. If you choose another heading font, you might want to adjust the letter spacing back to 0 if it looks wonky.

Body/base font: Karla (Google font)

Menu links, buttons and heading 6: Poppins (Google font)

Script text: Lipstick – free to use in the theme, but you'll need to purchase here if you need the font to make graphics, logos, etc.


If you ever need to get the default color palettes back from the demo, you can simply import them by clicking the folder icon > click the export/import tab > paste the palettes into the Import section and click "import":

Palette #1 (main)


Palette #2


Palette #3
