Daze - Colors & Fonts


Body font: Jost (Google font)
Headings font: Fraunces (Google font)
Script font: Haigrast ( download for free here)


Palette #1: #da9a7b, #ca7e53, #222222, #666666, #d1a2a8, #eccfd3, #f9d8c8, #faf3eb, #ffffff

Palette #2: #dfb075, #c79046, #212121, #615e5f, #d3aa94, #f1d7ca, #f3e4c9, #faf3ea, #ffffff

Palette #3: #dcbba7, #cf9e7f, #313131, #70706f, #8e968c, #afbdb4, #eeddcb, #f6f4ee, #ffffff

If you ever need to get the default color palettes back, you can simply import them by clicking the folder icon > click the export/import tab > paste the palettes into the Import section:

Palette #1


Palette #2


Palette #3
