My Comments Are Missing/Not Working
1. Check your Customizer Settings
*Only if you are using an older Genesis child theme
From your dashboard, navigate to "Comments and Trackbacks". Make sure you check the box to Enable Comments on Posts if you haven't done so already.
If this is setting is already checked, try unchecking the setting and save. Then, refresh the page and check the box again – this will "reset" the comment settings. Most people find this solves the issue.
2. Check Discussion Settings
If your comments still don't appear after step 1, try going to Settings > Discussion and make sure your settings look like the image below. You can adjust these settings to your liking, but the boxes in red are what you need to pay attention to.
3. Individual Post Settings
Edit the post(s) where the comments aren't working. When in the post editor, click the Settings button (black gear icon). Under the Document tab, look for the Discussion section. If you don't see the Discussion section, click the icon with the 3 dots in upper right hand corner > click Options > Check the box for Discussion. Now you should see Discussion under the Document tab. Make sure it looks like this: